Saturday, April 21, 2012

A New Blog Everyone Should Be Following: Journeys in Classic Film

A fairly new blog is Journeys in Classic Film, which started last November. Written by the ever so engaging Kristen, who has been a frequent commenter on my blog. Now she gives me credit and my popular tourneys as inspiration to start her own blog. And that means a lot to me. So I would like to tell everyone about Kristen's fabulous blog and for you guys to go check it out ASAP. I love Kristen's style as she shoots from the hip. With some cool reviews and personal reflections on cinema. Read about Kristen in her own words below:

 I live in California (and no I do not live near Disneyland, Hollywood, or anyplace south of San Francisco) and I’m a college student about to graduate with my Bachelor’s in English.  I’m applying to graduate school right now to get my Master’s in English (if you haven’t noticed I like reading and writing A LOT).
I also work as an entertainment writer for a few websites.  I write movie reviews for the fantastic Entertainment News International.  You can find my stuff at  I’m also the movie editor for the equally amazing CC2KOnline.  I write more long-form essays, film reviews and other quirky articles that you can find at  I also record a weekly movie review podcast.  You can listen to The Midnight Matinee Podcast at  It helps me keep current on new film but I also spend a lot of time taking film classics and watching Turner Classics Movies, which is how I’ve grown to love, and write this blog about classic films.

And she will be doing a tournament of her own this year that I can't wait to see. Here is the link to her terrific blog: journeysinclassicfilm.

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