Monday, May 7, 2012

Happy Birthday Anne Baxter (1923 - 1985)

How coincidental that my classic movie goddess of the month, Anne Baxter, also has a birthday this month. I did not know that prior to making my schedule of goddesses for the year. The only other time this has happened was in 2010 when Elizabeth Taylor was CMG in February, her birth month. Anyway Happy Birthday Anne! 

In her own words: 

I'm an actress, not a personality. It's more successful to be a personality. But can you use it in every role? I don't spill over into everything I do. I do what I do from inside someone else's skin.

Well said, Anne...well said!


  1. Monty, I loved those photos of Anne Baxter! I've watched a number of her movies on TV, but my dear late mom also told me about having seen Ms. Baxter perform on Broadway (the show was APPLAUSE, if I remember correctly). I remember being a kid watching her as a guest star on COLUMBO! :-) Enjoyable post, Monty, as always!
