Friday, June 22, 2012


Welcome to AGT Rita....

The summer heats up big time in July on All Good Things as my classic movie goddess will be Rita Hayworth. Oh yes, Gilda herself will grace my blog for the entire month of July with pics, facts, and reviews of some of her films. My guest of the month will be Rachel, who writes the wonderful blog The Girl With The White Parasol. She will chime with her favorite stars and films and whatever else she fancies. I will finally get around to posting the next edition of my Monties. The year is 1946 and I hope to have my selections chosen and ready to post before the month is over. I will continue with my At The Beach photo series as well as my new series, My Childhood Crushes. So please stop by to visit and see if we can keep All Good Things blazing hot! Oh and two more stars will be inducted into my all of fame.

My love of classic films is beyond measure



  1. Rita is my absolute favorite! I'm so excited she will be featured on this wonderful blog.

  2. That's great!Rita Hayworth is one of the best!!!

  3. I have come to love Rita! She is easily in my top 10 favorite actresses ever. I look forward to seeing her take on the spotlight next month.

    As always, I look forward to meeting your latest blog guest as well.

    Have a wonderful weekend!!
