Sunday, June 10, 2012

A little down time for me....

Just a little post as I head to my doctor tomorrow morning for a little throat procedure to widen my throat back out. It has narrowed over the past few years and caused me trouble in swallowing. It is supposedly a quick and effective procedure and I hope it helps. So probably no blogging from me for the next few days, but I will be back and healed and ready to go before the week is out. See everybody soon!
I'm in good hands as Carole is my nurse


  1. Praying for a quick and complete recovery! Your presence will be missed here in blogland.

  2. I hope it feels better very soon!

  3. All the best to you, Monty! Looking forward to your return!!

  4. Good luck Monty. I hope you recover quickly!

  5. Get well soon Monty! The blog will miss you!

  6. Monty, Sorry to hear about your throat troubles. Get Well Soon!!
