Tuesday, August 7, 2012

31 Stars in 31 Days: Day 7 - GRACE KELLY

How appropriate that Grace fell on this day, a Tuesday. Why, you may ask. Because I do a regular series about her called If It's Tuesday, Then It Must Be Grace Kelly. Ahhh Princess Grace...The Queen of Hitchcock Films...Graciebird. So many names and titles but we could all call her Grace. Well maybe before she got married. Then we would have to call her Princess Grace. But regardless whatever we may call her, she is definitely one of my all time favorites.

Favorite Grace film: REAR WINDOW (1954)
Favorite Grace role: Lisa Fremont (REAR WINDOW) - so divine
Favorite Grace co-star: I'm actually taking Jimmy Stewart of Rear Window over my fave Cary Grant.
Films of Grace seen: 7 out of 12 films (she starred in over 15 episodes of TV that I'm not counting)

Well, well if it isn't Grace...oh that's right it's Tuesday

Today's film: THE SWAN (1956) - This is a film I recorded off TCM last year and never got around to watching it. That it is until now. So I will be popping this in tonight and spend my evening with Princess Grace.

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