Tuesday, August 28, 2012


After a busy summer of blogging, September will be a little more slower paced. I will still be blogging but I don't have any major events planned...no tourneys, no festivals, etc. Just regular, everyday stuff. The classic movie goddess for the month will be none other than Joan Crawford. And that will lead to my guest for the month...Jessica Ellen Rowe from Australia who is the biggest Joan Crawford fan I know. So how's that for synergy. I will post some reviews of some of my favorite Joan films and well as the usual facts and photos regarding the goddess of the month. Also hope to write the 1947 edition of the Monties, my version of the Oscars. And then anything else that might catch my fancy. So please stop by from time to time to take up some classic movie ambiance.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Monty! I'm glad you're taking a break. I did that this summer, and it was a good thing.
