Saturday, December 22, 2012

All Good Things 2012 Classic Stars Of The Year

Welcome back everyone to my 2nd annual Classic Stars of the Year list as chosen by All Good Things. These are the stars that made the most noise on my blog. That I wrote and talked about the most or who won the most tournaments or polls. In general the best of the best. I based it on Entertainment Weekly's yearly Entertainers of the Year list. So there will be 12 distinguished actors and actresses who made the cut (1 for each month) and I will begin with number 12 and work my way down to number one. 

Hitch lands at no 12.

12.) ALFRED HITCHCOCK - The director was prominent this year with two films, The Girl and Hitchcock. I have seen The Girl and thought it was interesting enough. Can't wait to see Hitchcock with Anthony Hopkins in the title role. I posted about Hitch a few times this year and had a tourney spotlighting the leading ladies of his films.

The urbane Claude

11.) CLAUDE RAINS - The incomparable Rains made some noise on All Good Things with his entrance into my Hall of Fame, one of twelve stars/directors chosen this year. He is also coming off his second Montie (my version of the Oscars) for Best Supporting actor in Casablanca.

The lovely Rita in one of her many summer pics
here on All Good Things

10.) RITA HAYWORTH - Ahhhhh, Rita. She was one of my classic movie goddesses for the year and she also made the most appearances in my at the beach photo series. Stunningly beautiful.

The dashing Flynn

9.) ERROL FLYNN - Another Hall of Fame inductee and much posting on my FB page to drive most women into a frenzy, specifically Classic Becky.

The definition of Classic Star Glamour, courtesy 
of Jean Arthur

8.) JEAN ARTHUR - Jean was another of my goddesses for the year and she also became a Hall of Famer. Plus I think she made a number of random postings thru the year here.

Good to see ya Carole...

7.) CAROLE LOMBARD - Pretty much, Carole will be on this list every year. No question about it. She is my favorite actress of all time and I post something about her at least once a month. I have posted about her 74 times since I started this blog in 2009. The most of any actress.

Hiya Cary!

6.) CARY GRANT - Same thing goes for Cary, as he is my favorite actor of all time. I have posted about Cary 81 times since 2009, the most of anybody here on All Good Things. And he is currently represented quite well with 8 films in my favorite screwball film tourney.

Irene knows how to make an entrance doesn't she

5.) IRENE DUNNE - The 2011 winner for Favorite Classic Film Actress didn't compete in this year's tourney but she still made some noise with regular postings and showing up with three films in the screwball film tourney.

Powell and Loy as Nick and Nora Charles

4.) WILLIAM POWELL & MYRNA LOY- Frequent film co-stars Bill and Myrna walked in together for the Hall of Fame. Her film, The Best Years of Our Lives picked up a slew of Monties. And she was just an all around good gal to hang out with here. They both had several films competing in this year's screwball film tourney


3.) MARILYN MONROE - It's Monroe. Pretty much says it all right there. Tons of pics and postings on here and my FB and Tumblr pages.

Grace, winner for Favorite Leading Lady
in a Hitchcock Film

2.) GRACE KELLY - After being a bridesmaid two years in a row in my Favorite Classic Film Actress tourney, Grace finally won a tourney. Wasn't for that, but for Favorite Leading Lady in an Alfred Hitchcock film. Plus, I continued to post about her with my weekly series, If It's Tuesday, Then It Must Be Grace Kelly.

Congrats Ginger!

1.) GINGER ROGERS - Looking like a repeat of 2011 as the favorite classic film actress tourney winner would claim top classic star of 2012. This year it's Ginger Rogers, who had a dominating run in the tourney for her eventual win as favorite actress here on All Good Things. Congrats Ginger! You are the top Classic Star of the Year!

Here's to another great year in 2013.

My love of classic films is beyond measure



  1. Quite a year! Happy Holidays Monty.

  2. You've posted some great pics here! Glad to see Ginger R. was rated #1. :)
