Sunday, December 16, 2012

All Good Things first giveaway

And the answer is.....

In the spirit of Christmas, I am holding my first giveaway contest. Everyone knows that Cary Grant is my favorite actor, so the question will be about him. Out of the 72 full length feature films he did in his career, how many would you guess have I seen? I will give two hints: as much as I love Cary, I have yet to see all his films and last year I did a ranking of my top 25 favorite films of his. So it's not 72, and it's not less than 25. The closest to the right answer without going over will win a gift card. Just leave your answer in the comment section of this post or email me at

If there are multiple people who choose the same answer that is closest then I will give out that many gift cards accordingly. Just my way of saying thanks to the blogging community who have been following All Good Things for the past few years. The contest ends Wednesday evening at 8pm. That way I can announce the winner and send out the gift card on Thursday. Hopefully in time for Christmas.