Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Audrey Hepburn scores a first ever shut out in tourney history


Audrey Hepburn means business this year. In the 50's era bracket which just wrapped up, Audrey took out the whipping stick on poor little Pier Angeli to post a 55-0 drubbing. The first ever shut out in tourney history. Quite an achievement. There have been other lopsided matches with the loser receiving a few votes, maybe out of sympathy, but Pier didn't receive a single vote. Audrey coasted to an easy first round win in the  sophisticates category and looks to go deep into the tourney this year. I know I wouldn't want to face her in a match now.

 Audrey splashing around after her huge
first round victory

1 comment:

  1. Voting through the survey monkey doesn't allow you to leave a match unvoted. Even if I didn't care for either person, I had to choose. I tried leaving it blank, but it wouldn't allow me to submit without voting on that. So, Cyd Charisse is getting a vote she would not have gotten.

    Whereas, on the 60's poll on the sidebar, I only voted in 1 match...was able to leave the others blank.
