Monday, March 4, 2013

Barbara Stanwyck becomes an early first round winner by default

Congratulations to Barbara Stanwyck as she becomes an early first round winner. I had to disqualify her opponent Miriam Hopkins because someone hacked into Blogger and tampered with the poll. Miriam logged 44 votes in the space of 4 hours. Now she may be a fondly remembered actress but there is no way she secured that many votes in that little time. Since Babs was leading 43-7 at the last known actual point I had no choice but to disqualify Miriam just because of somebody who felt the need to manipulate the scoring. Really very sad. Anyway Babs gets an early rest as she now must wait on the winner of the Claudette Colbert/Joan Crawford match. Congrats to ya Barbara!
Babs moves on to round 2 with an early victory

1 comment:

  1. Yay, Barbara! Why do people feel the need to ruin things that are so much fun for others! Looking forward to seeing the next winner!
