Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Half of second round matches are done

The 30's, 40's and 50's era wrapped up two of the four categories today and here are the numbers.

Dark horse Lillian Gish took down Gloria Swanson
with a thrilling comeback win
30'S ERA

Barbara Stanwyck beat Claudette Colbert 47-25
Norma Shearer beat Marlene Dietrich 39-32
Greta Garbo beat Kay Francis 44-18
Lillian Gish upset Gloria Swanson 38-33

Pre-Code Babes top seed Barbara Stanwyck dispatched Claudette Colbert quite easily whille Norma Shearer stormed back to take a decisive victory over Marlene Dietrich. Marlene had led for the most of the match up until early this morning. And those expecting a Greta Garbo/Gloria Swanson match-up will have to wait until next year. While Greta took care of Kay Francis, Gloria let Lillian Gish rally to beat her 38-33.

Teresa shares the news of her narrow win over
Virginia Mayo
40'S ERA

Bette Davis beat Olivia de Havilland 31-13
Vivien Leigh beat Ingrid Bergman 30-18
Judy Garland beat Ann Miller 25-22
Teresa Wright beat Virginia Mayo 22-21

Bette Davis defeated Olivia de Havilland with ease while Vivien Leigh had little trouble with Ingrid Bergman, setting up a fantastic 3rd round match-up between Bette and Vivien. Can't wait. Final four finalist Judy Garland beat Ann Miller, while Teresa Wright squeaked by Virginia Mayo by a single vote.

50'S ERA

The 50's era 2nd round action begins today.

Romy standing tall
60'S ERA

Natalie Wood beat Ann-Margret 31-17
Shirley Jones beat Liza Minneli 34-18
Catherine Deneuve beat Claudia Cardinale 27-20
Romy Schneider beat Liv Ullman 29-28

Natalie Wood continues on her march to three-peat as 60's era champion by beating Ann-Margret. Shirley Jones took care of Liza Minneli, ending Liza's Cinderella run. Catherine Deneuve was finally able to pull away from Claudia Cardinale after a close match. And my final four pick Romy Schneider held on for a 1 vote victory over Liv Ullman.

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