Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Glad to be back here in blogland....

Glad to be back....and so is Carole...

On my previous post about my upcoming Lombard Cup, my friends KC, Patti and Robin left comments asking where have I been and that it was great to see me back in blogland. It never occurred to me that I would have been missed during my brief time away from blogland since July. I have been using Facebook to concentrate on my All Good Thing page there and posting star of the week reviews, photos, videos, etc. And it has been fun doing stuff over there but now I am back with the upcoming Lombard Cup and then following that will be another tourney that me and Desiree will be doing together. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone that said such nice comments and have missed me. Glad to be back!


  1. Glad you're doing well Monty. I actually checked my RSS feed to make sure I was still following you--LOL. Looking forward to the Lombard Cup.

  2. Yes, you have been missed...very much.

    As you know, I come and go on FB. Since I have to be disciplined with the amount of time I spend on online social media sites (lest I spend my entire day there!), I've had to pick and choose which venues to stick with and which ones to step back from. Blogging is my first love, so it has been the one to stay. The downside to that, though, has been not "seeing" you around.

    I'm really glad you'll be around blogland more regularly now.

  3. Glad you are back, Monty. I have been away from here, too and just did a post a bit ago. Hope over and visit, when you can!

  4. There you are!! It's always better when Monty is here!!

  5. Yay! You're back! Glad to see you again.
