Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Lorie...

Usually I only post Happy Birthdays to classic movie stars but Lorie is such a good friend of mine from work, I thought it would be cool to post her a shout out on her birthday. She is one of the few friends from work that loves classic movies like I do. Just the other day we were discussing My Fair Lady and Audrey Hepburn and I found out that Lady is one of her favorites. Anyway just wanted to share this special day with all of my followers because one can never have too many friends. And Lorie is one of my best. She shares a birthday with Gillian Anderson (Scully from The X-Files), french actress Audrey Tautou (Amelie), Australian actor Eric Bana (Troy, The Hulk), Sam Elliott (Tombstone, Roadhouse) and Melanie Griffith (Working Girl). Happy Birthday Lorie.

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