Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer Under The Stars on TCM - Kathryn Grayson on August 10th

I was a little miffed when TCM didn't honor Kathryn Grayson when she passed away back in February. So color me excited now that they are finally showcasing Ms. Grayson for the entire day of August 10th. Some of the films being shown are It Happened in Brooklyn, Two Sisters From Boston, Anchors Aweigh, Show Boat, and my favorite of hers, Kiss Me Kate.

1 comment:

  1. I was really excited about the Kathryn Grayson day too. Sadly, I worked for most of the day and I don't have tivo or dvr or any such convenient technology. I was really looking forward to "Lovely to Look At" and hating the fact that they scheduled at such an ungodly hour as 4 am. I even woke up early to watch it but I misremembered the time, got up at 5:30 and found that the movie was nearly done. sigh.
