Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Cary Grant all week long at Monty's in honor of his birthday!

Everyone knows that Cary Grant is my favorite actor of all time. Today is his birthday which makes this a very special day. TCM is showing several of his movies today as they normally do. I will be at work but once I get home I plan to have a little Cary-thon myself. On tap will be His Girl Friday and Bringing Up Baby, two of my favorite films ever. As a matter of fact I will continue with a Cary film each night for the rest of the week. Let's see...I can watch Arsenic & Old Lace, My Favorite Wife, The Bachelor & The Bobby-Soxer, The Philadelphia Story, and In Name Only (with Carole Lombard, my favorite actress). Should be a great week..


  1. Enjoy - some of those films I love very much, too.. ;")

    But I bet you'll have a marvellous week with Cary Grant films anyway! :")

  2. I adore Cary too! I just finished watching "Penny Serenade," and every time I watch that film, I deem it to be the absolute best performance of his career. He was fantastic in that role!!

    Fixin' to watch "Notorious" a bit later and then maybe "To Catch a Thief."

    Such a great actor...such a dashing gentleman!
