Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Pursuit of Love (1950) starring Cary Grant and Esther Williams....yes it's another Monty fantasy movie


So here is my fantasy movie had Cary Grant paired up with Esther Williams. The title is In The Pursuit Of Love and Cary plays suave playboy Peter Lassister who refuses to settle down with any one woman. That is until he sees Liz Watson, a model who aspires to be a swimming champion. Peter pursues Liz instantly while trying to avoid the clutches of  rich society girl Ann Pendergast (played by Joan Caulfield). All the while reporter Stu Blanchard (Eddie Albert) is trying to be be the first to get the story on Lassiter finally settling down. Of course Liz has no time for romance as she is busy trying to compete in swimming competitions. And listening to her is seen it all best friend Sally (Betty Hutton). Of course things will eventually get sorted by the two leads and they fall in love by the end of the movie. Directed by George Cukor and released in 1950. Cary and Esther had remarkable chemistry together as Cary brought out Esther's comedic ability. One of the film's funniest scenes has to be when Liz dares Peter to a swimming race and Peter brags that he doesn't want to show her up. Liz politely whips Peter in front of a bevy of onlookers quite easy. Of course he takes it in stride and wants to be with Liz all that more. A beaut of a comic gem from 1950. And wonderful support from Charlotte Greenwood as Aunt Jessie and Zachary Scott as Jack Gardner, an ex-boyfriend of Liz.
Peter looking all so dapper

Liz about to start her daily routine

Ann actually is not that bad of a girl..just that Peter has eyes
only for Liz


Genre: Comedy
Release Date: 1950
Running time: 103 minutes
Directed by George Cukor
Written by Charles Lederer

Pete Lassister.....Cary Grant
Liz Watson......Esther Williams
Ann Pendergast.....Joan Caulfield
Stu Blanchard.....Eddie Albert
Sally Rogers.....Betty Hutton
Aunt Jessie....Charlotte Greenwood
Jack Gardner....Zachary Scott


This marked the only film that paired Cary Grant with Esther Williams

The Pursuit of Love was a tidy hit, being one of the top 20 money-earners of 1950.

As usual, Esther did all her own swimming sequences..which apparently rubbed off on her
co-stars as Cary and Betty did all their own swim scenes as well.

Joan Caulfield was a last minute replacement as first choice Joan Leslie had to bow out
due to an illness.

Liz being playful

Notable quotes:

Peter: You don't make it easy for a fella do you?
Liz: Easy enough. All you have to do is catch me.

Stu: If I land this story first, I will be the most famous reporter ever! Well maybe second famous!

Aunt Jessie: My dear, men can be just as crafty as we are. The trick is to never let them know that.
Sally is a pretty good swimmer as well

Stu looking shocked!

The sweet Aunt Jessie

The no good Jack Gardner


  1. There's a novel by this name, but I don't think you stuck to the storyline! LOL! Only you, Monty!

  2. Glad to see Zachary Scott and Eddie Albert here..

  3. I Think you have a hit on your hands.. Good job Monty!!

  4. Wow, you put a lot of thought into this! Sounds like it would have been a great one :) Cary Grant is one of my favorites. Him and Gene Kelly. *Swoons*
