Monday, February 13, 2012

Some facts about Jean Harlow

Here are some interesting facts about Jean:

Height is often listed as 5'2"-5'3 1/2"

 Was photographed nude at age 17 by Hollywood photographer Edward Bower Hesser in Griffith Park in 1928.

 Went on a salary strike from MGM in 1934, during which she wrote a novel, "Today is Tonight." The book was not published until 1965.

 She was the very first film actress to grace the cover of Life magazine in May 1937.

Never wore any underwear and always slept in the nude.

She had to stick to a strict diet to keep thin, eating mostly vegetables and salads.

She used to put ice on her nipples right before shooting a scene in order to appear sexier.

Her birth name was Harlean Carpenter - the first name an amalgam of her mother's maiden name, Jean Harlow, which she later took as her stage name. At the height of her career, it came out that this wasn't her real name, and the insatiable public wanted to know what her real name was. The studio released her "real" name as Harlean Carpentier. Harlow had added the extra "i" herself before her career began to make it sound more exotic.

She was voted the 49th Greatest Movie Star of all time by Entertainment Weekly.

Along with Hedy Lamarr, they were the primary inspirations for Batman creator Bob Kane's Catwoman character.

Was known as "The Original Platinum Blonde".

Facts supplied by IMDB.

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