Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Linkup with Blonde Episodes

My good friend Kori is doing a Valentine's Day Linkup with all of her friends. The question she asks: what does love mean to you? And I would say several things. First love to me means being there for that someone no matter what. No matter how difficult or hard it may be, you don't hesitate at all. Love means unconditional. Love means just an outpouring of emotions to all the people you love. And love just doesn't mean loving your family, friends, or significant other. But also complete strangers that you have never met before. That's what love means to me. Hope everyone has a joyous Valentine's Day! Here's the link to Kori's blog in case you want to join in on this festive occasion:
Blonde Episodes


  1. Your definition of love is spot on! I agree! Happy Valentine's Day!!♥Winona

  2. What an awesome blog--I'm kind of a movie buff myself, and I really enjoy the classic Hollywood films.

    Happy Valentine's Day--hope you'll stop by and say hi!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life
