Thursday, March 22, 2012


The legendary Greta Garbo will be my classic movie goddess of the month. One of the greatest actresses of all time and I plan to post reviews, photos, and the usual assorted goodies. All month long. My guest for the month will be Marsha who does the wonderful Flick Chick facebook page and her blog, A Person In The Dark. She is one of my good blogger friends and I love both her fb page and blog. Spring is here and I would like to do something related to that. Thinking of a new photo series ala At The Beach and The Fall Series. Don't know yet. Oh and the favorite classic movie actress tourney will wrap up by the first week of April and we should have crowned a champion by then. So please come by and sit for a spell with me here at All Good Things.


  1. It sounds like you have a wonderful month planned here at "All Goood Things". I have a couple of surprises planned for you next month (which I hope you like) as a small thank you for hosting the tourney over on Noir and Chick Flicks. :)

  2. Looking forward for the interview with Marsha - and your reviews and thoughts about Greta Garbo's films.
