Thursday, March 22, 2012

Marquee Match Spotlight: Doris Day vs Debbie Reynolds


                                            DEBBIE REYNOLDS

A prime match to decide the winner of the singers/dancers bracket for the 50’s era will be decided between No. 1 Doris Day and No. 2 Debbie Reynolds. I for one can’t wait to see how this will one will play out as I love both actresses. And both are experienced tourney players. Doris came within one match last year of going to the final four before losing to Natalie Wood in the 60’s era championship Final match. And Debbie went all the way to the 50’s era final match, only to lose to Grace Kelly. So this sets up to be an exciting match. It started late last night and the score currently has Doris leading Debbie 24-23. Go here to cast your vote:
noir and chick flicks

1 comment:

  1. Wow, both of these 60's matches are turning out to be close.

    I've got to tell you, when I popped over to the 30's match this morning to put in my vote, my jaw dropped. While I don't hate Irene Dunne (and Penny Serenade is one of my top 6 movies), I was absolutely floored to see that Irene is steamrolling Ginger. Such a shocker. My husband will be crushed...because Ginger is his "beloved."
