Wednesday, May 11, 2011

First of all - Irene says: Hi!

Well: hi. ;”)

I am Irene Palfy of “And then they start to sparkle” (<- violet writing on my blogs means: Watch out - here's a link!) and I am going to act as a substitute for my friend Monty on his blog – which you are visiting right now – obviously..

You may remember my name from our cross over the famous Beware these women festival –and I got the “#1 Fan award of April” because I am bubbling comments like crazy here.. ;”)

I got to beg pardon for my tousled English – as you clearly see I am no native speaker when it comes to English – please prepare of some really, really strange wordings.

Actually I am pretty creative when I am talking in my mothertongue, too.. I think it's fun to mix words and proverbs etc. and create a new kind of perception - like little children do, sometimes you get a word which will exactely say what you mean. ;”)

Honestly, I was pretty flattered when Monty asked me to do this – and rigth now I am scared to death:

You’re so many followers (even if I would add all my followers from my different blogs I wouldn’t come up to 121!!) and you're used to a real amazing blog and Monty's real great style - in my nightmares I see this blog left alone because of me and my posts! – To get my picture:

"Monty is coming back from his vacation and all he sees here is that everyone is gone and I am his last follower (please imagine a tumbleweed rolling through this scenario while I am giggling hysterical..)"

Monty is a good friend - I want him to be pleased with my posts here.

Actually: if Monty asked me to wear this costume - I would have done it:

(My favourite John Wayne picture - he is Monty's classic movie actor of the month, which is a perfect reason to post this picture..)

So, please remember:

Everything will be okay. Monty will be back in a few days.

~ Yes, today is the aniversary of the death of Douglas Adams - and I simply got to wrote DON'T PANIC today.. ;") ~

I will concentrate on Birthday posts - I think so.. Well, maybe some favourite titbits.. Oh - and...

Remember: I am not cheating - I changing the rules. ;")

If you have questions - go on ask. If it's interesting to know which directors I love and which actors I loathe or anything else you want to know about my blogs, my love for classic films and me: Ask. - Maybe I can think of an answer.

Your's (very well and) truly



  1. Irene, I'm really looking forward to reading your post while Monty is away. Sorry, it has taken me so long to visit. I have been helping out my family and have not had much computer time. Hopefully, things will get back to normal soon.

  2. Thank you, Dawn! :") Take all the time you need! ;") Fingers crossed for normality at your home! ;")
