Monday, January 2, 2012

Audrey welcomes Lauren.....

I thought it would be cool to have the preceding classic movie goddess to welcome the incoming movie goddess as a nice way of passing the torch, so to speak. Audrey Hepburn graciously said yes to doing so and is here to greet Lauren Bacall, this month's classic movie goddess. Take it away Audrey....

Audrey biked all the way over here for this special occasion...

Audrey: Thank you Monty. Just wanted to say I had a fabulous time last month as your goddess and the interview we did. You will have me for a return visit I hope. Anyway, I am here to welcome the amazing Lauren Bacall. People always talk about my immediate impact in film. Well they need to look at Lauren. Right out of the gate at 19 years old with To Have and Have Not. Just unbelievable Lauren. And your on-screen and off-screen relationship with Bogie is one of those one in a lifetime moments. Just wanted to say welcome to All Good Things and I know you will have a great time!

The wonderful Lauren....

Lauren: Why thank you Audrey. And thank you for all that wonderful praise. But you're pretty amazing yourself. And I'm so glad to be here this month and I hope I won't disappoint Monty's readers. 

Monty: I can safely say that won't happen Lauren. Welcome to All Good Things. Thank you Audrey for that introduction too.

1 comment:

  1. The header photo of goddess Lauren is beautiful!!

    Ought to be a fun month...then again, all months are fun here at "All Good Things."

    Hope you're having a great day!!
