Sunday, January 1, 2012

Classic Stars Match Play #13 - HEDY LAMARR vs AVA GARDNER

I'm back to kickstart the new year with a new match play. And I've chosen two women who both carried the title The Most Beautiful Woman in Hollywood at one time or another...Hedy Lamarr and Ava Gardner. Who was more beautiful? Who was more talented? Who has the better resume in films? This argument could go on for decades so in the meantime I figured a little match play was in order to see where both women stood...on All Good Things that is. The match begins today and will run thru next Sunday. Good luck to both women. And I will personally be present as to make sure that this match is kept clean and drama free. It's the least I could do.

Ummm don't need that whip, it's not that kind of match!

Name: Hedwig Eva Marie Kiesler
Birth Date: November 9, 1914 (Vienna, Austria-Hungary)
Height: 5' 7"
Academy Awards: none
Monties: 1 nomination so far (Experiment Perilous - 1944)
My favorite Hedy film: I know it's regarded as campy today but I love Hedy in White Cargo (1942).
Match Play record: 0-1 (lost to Rita Hayworth in the first round of the 40's era of the Favorite Classic Actress Tournament)


AVA GARDNER have a match now. You're going make it or you're gonna stay and fish?

Name: Ava Lavinia Gardner
Birth Date: December 24, 1922 (Grabtown, North that name!)
Height: 5' 6"
Academy Awards: One nomination (Best Actress for 1953's Mogambo)
Monties: None so far...but I haven't reached her peak era yet
My favorite Ava film: The Night Of The Iguana
Match Play record: 1-1 (beat Jane Russell but then lost to Grace Kelly (her Mogambo co-star) in the 50's era of the Favorite Classic Actress Tournament

Ladies...the stage is all yours!


  1. Oh.. Monty.. This one is too tuff for me to decide..

    I will vote for.. Ava.

  2. You like to make them tough, don't you!? Well, Hedy is gorgeous, does a good job in her films, and, as we now know, extremely intelligent personally. Ava is gorgeous, excellent actress and loved life with a passion. For some reason your sidebar has not loaded right now, and I know you usually post your voting capacity there. But like Dawn, I will go with Ava. Mogambo, The Sun Also Rises, On the Beach -- she is the better actress in my eyes!

  3. I agree with Dawn above, this is a tough one.
    But I will have to go with Ava as well!
    Happy New Year my friend!!

  4. Got my vote in, but if Hedy's fans don't show up and it's another blow-out like the Redford/Beatty match was, I'm going to be wishing I had voted for her instead of Ava. After all, I have a very soft heart, and I don't want anyone to feel unloved and unpopular!! (Even if they aren't alive!!)

    Hope you're having a great day!!

  5. This is tough, but I'll go with Hedy.

    Just found your blog last week, and am in the process of going through it. Absolutley love it.

  6. No contest--Ava Gardner without a doubt was a better actress and has a better resume. Both were beautiful, so that's a draw. So, Ava is the winner for me.
