Thursday, March 21, 2013

Natalie Wood shares her thoughts on her tough tourney loss

My guest today is none other than Natalie Wood, two-time Final Four finalist in the Favorite Classic Movie Actress tourneys. Let's get started shall we..

Natalie Wood...a real class act

Me: Thank you for taking the time to come by my blog Mrs. Woods. 
Natalie Woods: Oh thank you for having me. And it's Natalie.
Me: Ok, Natalie. So yesterday you had that heart-breaking loss to Shirley Jones. What was your first reaction after hearing the news?
Natalie: I was kinda unsure. I mean I saw the numbers but it didn't hit me until like hours later that I had lost. It was one heck of a match though. Shirley's fans definitely showed up.
Me: So this will be the first year that you won't be a part of the final four. That will feel so strange. I mean you have become the face of the 60's era here on my blog.
Natalie: Thank you Monty. It has been a lot of fun being a part of these wonderful tourneys. But like Vivien Leigh had said earlier, now I get to kick back and relax and watch the other ladies go at it.
Me: Yeah, that's a good way to look at it. I was so pulling for you to make it back to the big dance for the third year in a row. I mean last year you made it to the final match before losing to Ginger. Can you describe that situation?
Natalie: Oh god I was nervous as all get out. Me against Ginger. I imagined the night before she would just dance circles around me and that's pretty much what happened. But I had a great time.
Me: Well you're a great person Natalie. And I know you will be back for next year's tourney right?
Natalie: Oh yes....I hope so. I mean if you will have me.

Me: No worries Natalie, you will always be a part of these events as long as I do them. Thank you for stopping by.
Natalie: Thanks Monty. And here's a big kiss to all you bloggers out there who keep the magic of classic movies alive. (Natalie presses her right hand across her lips and sends a big kiss out)

Me: Natalie Wood..everybody! 
The crowd erupts in applause.

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