THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH (1955) Monroe shines as every guy's fantasy object. So much a fantasy that her name is never revealed. She is just named The Girl. Classic scene with MM in her white dress standing over a subway grate when a train passes by underneath, sending up a gust of wind that blows her dress. Heavenly.

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SOME LIKE IT HOT (1959) The classic comedy from director Billy Wilder, who also did The Seven Year Itch. Marilyn rocks it as Sugar Kane, singer of all female traveling band, that picks up Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon in girl disguise. The fireworks take place down in Miami. Hilarious fun ensues.
GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES (1953) Marilyn teams with Jane Russell as lounge singers on a transatlantic cruise, working their way to Paris, and enjoying the company of any eligible men they might meet along the way. Monroe knocks them dead as Lorelei Lee and delivers some stunning musical numbers. And believe it or not, manages to dispense some wisdom like this little quote: "Don't you know that a man being rich is like a girl being pretty? You wouldn't marry a girl just because she's pretty, but my goodness, doesn't it help? ". Classic.

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NIAGARA (1953) A change of pace for Marilyn as she plays Rose Loomis, a married woman, on vacation with her husband, who is secretly planning to kill him with the help of her lover. Marilyn is sultry, sexy, and dangerous and wows the entire audience. One of her most underrated films of all.
THE MISFITS (1961) Monroe's penultimate film is strong and emotional stuff. She plays Roslyn, a recent divorcee, who runs into some men, who are trying to rope some wild horses in the southwest. Monroe holds her own with veterans Clark Gable and Montgomery Clift. But be warned, this is definitely not the light and frothy Marilyn pics of her early career. More dark and tense. But still very good.

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1 comment:
Hi Monty -
I ended up voting for Gentlemen Prefer, but it was a tough choice. I'm not a huge Marilyn fan but I still love most of her films, which is... odd, I guess.
Anyway, enough rambling. I left you an award here:
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