Myrna Loy Photos
While I had a chance, I wanted to let everyone know what's coming up for the month of April. First is that the classic movie goddess will be Myrna Loy. That's right the amazing Myrna will headline my blog all next month and I promise to post as many pics and reviews of her films as possible.
I will have some spillover from The Directors blog I do with Noiree about the legendary Preston Sturges. He is spotlighted next month over there and I will probably add a few related posts on here as well.
I will finally rank my favorite modern actors and actresses. I did my favorite classic ones a few months ago, so I decided to let everyone know who I like in today's cinema.
And of course the usual good morning pics, happy birthdays, and the normal monthly stuff that I do on my blog. I hope everyone has been enjoying it so far, I know I have had tons of fun doing it. Hope everyone has a great weekend and I will see ya later.
Oh and a quick shout out to actress Elizabeth Mitchell (Lost, V). Today is her birthday. Me and her share the same year and mine is the 31st. I will be the big 40.

Elizabeth Mitchell Photos
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